It's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos!
It's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos! It's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos! Carlos and Maria walked past the city park after the baseball game. "It's almost Cinco de Mayo, "Carlos said. "The festival is only a month away." "Miss Lopez is teaching us a special dance for the festival," said Maria. "We need one more boy." "Will you dance with us?" asked Maria. "Are you dancing in front of people?" asked Carlos. "Miss Lopez will help you,' said Maria, smiling. That evening, Carlos asked Abuela about Ci
It's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos!

It's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos!

Carlos and Maria walked past the city park after the baseball game.
"It's almost Cinco de Mayo, "Carlos said.
"The festival is only a month away."
"Miss Lopez is teaching us a special dance for the festival," said Maria. "We need one more boy."
"Will you dance with us?" asked Maria.
"Are you dancing in front of people?" asked Carlos.
"Miss Lopez will help you,' said Maria, smiling.
That evening, Carlos asked Abuela about Cinco de Mayo.
"There was a big battle on May 5th, in 1862," said Abuela.
"A big army came to attack the small town of Puebla."
"Only a small group of young soldiers lived in Puebla.
They were scared, but they didn't give up" said Abuela.
"The big army didn't think the young soldiers would fight," said Abuela."But the young soldiers won!" she said.
"So, that's what we celebrate on Cinco de Mayo!" said Carlos.