Lesson 5 Get It Right
Lesson 5 Get It Right Lesson 5 Get It Right corn, horse, store, door, box, clock, dog morning, short, for, more, lord lot, not, hot, pot, dot Lesson 6 Round Up A School Day in the UK get up, go to school, have lunch play sports in the afternoon Uncle Booky's Storytime School is over. Tom, come and play football! Sorry, I don't like sports. I like computer games and TV shows. Tom is having dinner at home. Tom, eat some vegetables. I don't like them. I love chicken
Lesson 5 Get It Right

Lesson 5 Get It Right

corn, horse, store, door, box, clock, dog

morning, short, for, more, lord
lot, not, hot, pot, dot
Lesson 6 Round Up

A School Day in the UK
get up, go to school, have lunchplay sports in the afternoon