Let's Plant Seeds
Let's Plant Seeds Let's Plant Seeds Look at this packet. It has tiny seeds in it. What kind of seeds are they? We will find out when they begin to grow. Let's plant them! Before we plant, we dig holes in the soil. Then we put the seeds in the holes. After that, we wait. The hot sun shines down on the seeds. They start to grow. Soon tiny green shoots push up from the soil. Then it rains. The tender new plants drink in the water. They grow some more. Now they ar
Let's Plant Seeds

Let's Plant Seeds
Look at this packet.
It has tiny seeds in it.
What kind of seeds are they?
We will find out when they begin to grow.
Let's plant them!
Before we plant, we dig holes in the soil.
Then we put the seeds in the holes.
After that, we wait.
The hot sun shines down on the seeds.
They start to grow.
Soon tiny green shoots push up from the soil.