Mary-Anne and the Cat Baby
Mary-Anne and the Cat Baby Mary-Anne and the Cat Baby Chapter 1 Just for a Minute Does your grandmother tell you that children were always good when she was young? Maybe, maybe not. That's all I'm saying - but read on. This happened a long time ago when my grandmother was young. I'm going to tell you about Mary-Anne. She was a lively sort of girl. On Sundays she could look like a little angel. She wore coloured ribbons in her long, dark hair. On other days, she lost her ribbons and he
Mary-Anne and the Cat Baby

Mary-Anne and the Cat Baby

Chapter 1 Just for a Minute

Does your grandmother tell you that children were always good when she was young?Maybe, maybe not. That's all I'm saying - but read on.
This happened a long time ago when my grandmother was young.
I'm going to tell you about Mary-Anne.
She was a lively sort of girl. On Sundays she could look like a little angel.She wore coloured ribbons in her long, dark hair.
On other days, she lost her ribbons and her hair stood on end.
She wasn't an only child. She had three brothers and two little sisters.There was a big sister, too. Oh! I nearly forgot the new baby.
So that was eight children.
No wonder their mother was always busy.This meant Mary-Anne often did things without asking her mother first.
If you promise not to copy her, I might just tell you about the time Mary-Anne got the cat mixed up with the new baby.
The new baby was very new. It slept a lot. It screamed a lot as well.To tell the truth, it was often quite smelly. Mary-Anne didn't like it much.
She also had a cat. That was quite new, too. The cat slept a lot as well.It never screamed and it was lovely and furry.