Mr. Grim and the Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
Mr. Grim and the Goose That Laid Golden Eggs Mr. Grim and the Goose That Laid Golden Eggs Mr. Grim lived in an enormous mansion outside of town. In his backyard he had beautiful flowers and tall grass and a lovely pond. He had apple trees and pear trees and green hills that rolled gently into the distance. It was a beautiful place to live, and Mr. Grim should have been happy. But he wasn't. Mr. Grim was never happy because he always wanted more than what he had. One day, a goose knocked on Mr
Mr. Grim and the Goose That Laid Golden Eggs

Mr. Grim and the Goose That Laid Golden Eggs

Mr. Grim lived in an enormous mansion outside of town.In his backyard he had beautiful flowers and tall grass and a lovely pond.He had apple trees and pear trees and green hills that rolled gently into the distance.
It was a beautiful place to live, and Mr. Grim should have been happy.But he wasn't. Mr. Grim was never happy because he always wanted more than what he had.
One day, a goose knocked on Mr. Grim's door."Good day to you," said the goose.
"What do you want?" asked Mr. Grim, grumpily.
"I'm looking for a new home," said the goose, "and I think that your yard is just the right place."
"I can't have a goose running around my yard, eating my grass,and swimming in my pond," Mr. Grim snapped.
"If you'll let me make my home here," the goose said, "I'll give you my golden eggs."
"Golden eggs?" Mr. Grim asked, interested.
"Every day, I lay one golden egg," said the goose."If you'll grant me permission to live here, the eggs will be yours."
The goose reached into her suitcase and pulled out a glittering golden egg."Here," she said. "This is the golden egg I laid this morning.Would you like to have it?"
Mr. Grim's eyes gleamed as brightly as the egg. "It's a deal," he said.He grabbed the golden egg and slammed the door in the goose's face.
A few seconds later, he opened the door again and peeked out.
"You lay only one egg a day?" he asked.
"One should be more than enough," the goose said, "if you invest it wisely."
Mr. Grim scowled and slammed the door again.Then he sat down and began some serious planning.
The next morning, Mr. Grim brought the goose a huge breakfast.
"Thank you very much," said the goose, "but I'm a goose.I don't eat bacon and eggs, and I don't drink coffee.I prefer to eat a bit of grass and sip cool water from the pond."
"If you don't eat it," Mr. Grim said, "I'll assume that you have very bad manners."
So the goose ate the bacon and eggs and drank the coffee.And when Mr. Grim brought the goose brunch, then lunch,then tea, then dinner, and then supper, the goose ate all of those too.Then Mr. Grim arrived with a very rich dessert, but the goose had had enough.Her stomach was much too full!
"Oh, help!" the goose moaned. "I can't eat another bite!I'm a goose! I eat grass and grains!Why are you feeding me so much food?"
Mr. Grim grunted. "I thought that if I fed you well, you might lay more eggs," he said.
"I told you that I lay only one egg a day," said the goose."What did you do with the egg I gave you yesterday?"
"I used it to buy this food," said Mr. Grim.
The goose sighed. "Here," she said, reaching into her nest."Here is the egg I laid today.I hope you will take it to the bank and deposit it in your bank account."
Mr. Grim grabbed the egg greedily."Yeah, maybe," he said, but the goose suspected that he didn't mean it.
The next day while the goose was sleeping, Mr. Grim carried a big pump out to the pond.He lowered the pump into the pond and attached a hose to it.Then he turned on the pump and sprayed the goose with water.The startled goose woke up immediately.
"Hold on!" she spluttered. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I thought that if I watered you, you might lay more eggs," Mr. Grim said.
"If I were a flower that grew golden petals," said the goose, "that might make sense. But I am a goose!Whoever heard of watering a goose?"
"It was worth a try," said Mr. Grim, grumpily.
"I've told you before that I lay only one egg a day," said the goose."What did you do with the egg I laid yesterday?"
"I used it to buy this pump and hose," Mr. Grim said.
The goose shook her head, reached into her nest, and pulled out another glittering egg.
"Here's today's egg," she said."Why don't you take it to the bank and open a savings account?If you leave the egg in the account for a while, it will earn interest.It will grow in value and increase your wealth."
Mr. Grim took the egg, but he didn't go to the bank and open a savings account.
The next day, Mr. Grim dressed in a monster costume and scary mask,tiptoed over to the pond, and quietly snuck up on the goose.
"Boo!" he yelled. "Boo!"
"Oh my!" screamed the goose, jumping so high that she lost some of her feathers."Mr. Grim, is that you? What are you doing now?"
"I thought that if you had a good scare, you might lay more eggs," said Mr. Grim."It's a very clever idea. Won't you agree?"
"Mr. Grim," said the goose, "I've told you many times that I lay only one egg a day.Did you use the egg I gave you yesterday to buy that silly costume?"
"Yes," said Mr. Grim. "Are you impressed?"
The goose's voice was stern."Mr. Grim," she said, "I'm going to give you today's egg.I suggest that you go straight to the bank and sit down with a banker.There are many ways for you to invest these golden eggs so that you earn more money.The banker will give you advice. Will you do that, Mr. Grim?"
"Yeah, sure," said Mr. Grim, but he didn't mean it.He was already busy thinking of more ways to get the goose to lay more golden eggs.