Mr. Post's Class
Mr. Post's Class Mr. Post's Class It was a morning in early September. The James Madison Elementary School playground was buzzing with activity. There were happy faces everywhere. Anyone walking by might have wondered why the students were so excited, but the explanation was simple. It was the first day of school. All of the students had stories to tell about their summer vacation. There were all kinds of adventures to relate. For many of the students, it seemed that it had been a very long t
Mr. Post's Class

Mr. Post's Class

It was a morning in early September.The James Madison Elementary School playground was buzzing with activity.There were happy faces everywhere.Anyone walking by might have wondered why the students were so excited, but the explanation was simple.It was the first day of school.
All of the students had stories to tell about their summer vacation.There were all kinds of adventures to relate.For many of the students, it seemed that it had been a very long time since they had seen their school friends.
The first bell rang, and the students lined up to go into the school.The second bell rang a few minutes later,and the teachers began leading the students inside to their classrooms.It was impossible to keep the students quiet.There were too many squeaks from new sneakers and too many giggles from happy boys and girls.
After the teachers led the excited students inside the school,the whispers and giggles continued to echo through the halls.School was back in session.
Everyone in Mr. Post's third-grade class was curious about their new teacherbecause it was his first year at James Madison Elementary.He printed his name very neatly on the chalkboard,and the students waited anxiously for him to begin speaking.
"Good morning, class," he finally said. "My name is Mr. Post.The first thing I would like to do today is learn your names.Let's go around the room.Each of you should introduce yourself and share something about yourself with the rest of the class.It could be your hobby or something the rest of the class does not know about you."
No one in the class wanted to be the first to speak, so Mr. Post volunteered to start."As you know, my name is Mr. Post.I really enjoy traveling and volunteering in my free time.Does anyone have any questions for me?"
Suddenly the classroom was full of chatter."Will you assign us lots of homework?" someone called out."Are you good at explaining new ideas?" asked another student."Do you know any fun games we can play at recess?" called out someone else.
Mr. Post replied, "We can talk about those things later in the day.Right now, let's focus on our hobbies and interests.Who would like to go first?"
"I will," a girl in the front said. "My name is Anna.I like to skateboard in my free time."
"Thank you, Anna," said Mr. Post. "Who is next?"Some of the students still felt shy,but after a few others shared something about themselves, it became easier for everyone.
"I'm Jake, and my favorite thing to do is play guitar," a tall boy explained.
"My name is Mila," said a girl with dark hair. "I paint for fun."
Soon everyone had shared and Mr. Post said, "That was great, class.Now let's talk about what you did over the summer."
Mr. Post began, "I spent my summer working on a special project.I volunteered to work with a team of people who help build houses for people who can't afford to buy them."
Some of the students seemed surprised.Jake raised his hand and asked Mr. Post, "But why did you want to spend your summer working?"
Mr. Post smiled and explained to the class,"Well, I really enjoy helping people in the community because it's exciting and satisfying.The work that I do really benefits the community and helps make it a better place to live.Have any of you ever volunteered to help others?"
The class fell silent, but after a few minutes a few students raised their hands.
"Mila, right?" asked Mr. Post of the dark-haired girl with her hand raised.
She nodded yes and said, "I helped out with the summer program at the preschool where my mom teaches.I really liked playing with the younger children and helping them do crafts."
Jake was the next to share."Sometimes I help my next door neighbor, Mr. Martinez, with his yard work.He is getting older and has a difficult time doing the work by himself.And I really don't mind doing the yard work because it helps Mr.Martinez,and we have become good friends."
Mr. Post smiled as many of the other students shared ways in which they had helped people during the summer.
Then he said, "Listening to everyone talk has given me an idea.Would you be interested in organizing some events this year that would help people in the community?"
Everyone in the class liked Mr. Post's idea.All the students had suggestions to offer.Someone mentioned that the class could start a recycling program to help reduce waste.Another student pointed out that they could help the elderly bring their groceries home.Another spoke of raking leaves for people who weren't able to rake.