Needs and Wants
Needs and Wants Needs and Wants We all need things. We need food, water, and air. We need a home and clothing, too. We all want things. We want things that make us happy. We want things that are fun. Erin needs water to drink. She wants a glass of lemonade. Jacob needs food to eat. He wants pasta for dinner. Erin needs a warm coat for the winter. She wants a long red coat. Jacob needs air to breathe. He wants some wind to fly his kite. Erin needs to stay safe
Needs and Wants

Needs and Wants

We all need things.
We need food, water, and air.
We need a home and clothing, too.
We all want things.
We want things that make us happy.
We want things that are fun.
Erin needs water to drink.
She wants a glass of lemonade.
Jacob needs food to eat.
He wants pasta for dinner.