Penelope and his friends in the summertime
Penelope and his friends in the summertime Penelope and his friends in the summertime Wow! It's the summer holidays. Penelope and her Mum and Dad have come to the mountains. There is a dragonfly. Dragonfly, dragonfly. What is that? Who is that? That's my baby sister. Her name is Alice. I'm Ulysses. I'm Penelope, that's my Dad and my Mum. Hello, Hello, Penelope, come and play with us. Yes. Alice and I are in the middle of treasure hunt Treasure hunt? I have hidden my treasure
Penelope and his friends in the summertime

Penelope and his friends in the summertime

Wow! It's the summer holidays.
Penelope and her Mum and Dad have come to the mountains.
There is a dragonfly. Dragonfly, dragonfly.
What is that? Who is that?
That's my baby sister.
Her name is Alice. I'm Ulysses.
I'm Penelope, that's my Dad and my Mum.
Hello, Hello, Penelope, come and play with us. Yes.
Alice and I are in the middle of treasure hunt Treasure hunt?
I have hidden my treasure in a secret place.
What's your treasure.
Something that stretches and shrinks.
Something that stretches and shrinks?
Can you guess what it is?
Well everyone, do you know something that stretches and shrinks?
Something that stretches and shrinks?
Ah, A caterpillar. It stretches and shrinks.
That's not it.
My treasure sparkles when the sun reflects on it. It sparkles?
Yes, a puddle, your treasure is the puddle.
No, that's not it.