Milo and Madeline

Milo and Madeline Milo and Madeline Someone's at the door. Yes. Just a moment please. Oh! Godness me! They look exactly the same. Mile and Madeline! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Penelope! Hello, It is Penelope's auntie Marin Christine and her twin cousins Milo and Madeline. It's nice to see you both. En.. Which one is Milo and which one is Madeline? Yeah! Let's play. Let's play. En.. Ok. Let's play hide and seek. Yeah! Let's play hide and seek. Where are they? They're play


Milo and Madeline

Milo and Madeline

Someone's at the door.

Yes. Just a moment please.

Oh! Godness me! They look exactly the same.

Mile and Madeline! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, Penelope!

Hello, It is Penelope's auntie Marin Christine and her twin cousins Milo and Madeline.

It's nice to see you both.

En.. Which one is Milo and which one is Madeline?

Yeah! Let's play. Let's play.

En.. Ok. Let's play hide and seek.

Yeah! Let's play hide and seek.

Where are they? They're playing hide and seek.

Penelope is trying to find Milo and Madeline.

Ah, got you, Milo.

No, I'm not Milo, I'm Madeline.

I'm Milo. Oh. I made a mistake.

They're drawing pictures now.

I'v got some biscuits for you.

Wash your hands first all right? Ok.

Can you see what Milo and Madeline are drawing?

That's funny. It's Milo's face.

No, this is Madeline. This is Milo.
