Quiz Show
Quiz Show Quiz Show Plains: Elementary Fifth Grade Team Plains Member 1; Plains Member 2; Quiz Show Host; Plains Member 3; Plains Member 4 Stewart: Elementary Fifth Grade Team Leon; Stacey; Ms. Jung, Stewart Elementary School teacher; Raja; Patricia Act 1 Scene 1 Narrator: The big Quiz Show match between rival teams from Stewart Elementary School and Plains Elementary School is about to begin. Leon: We've got to do our best today if we want to win and go on to the final match next mo
Quiz Show

Quiz Show

Plains: Elementary Fifth Grade Team
Plains Member 1; Plains Member 2; Quiz Show Host; Plains Member 3; Plains Member 4
Stewart: Elementary Fifth Grade Team
Leon; Stacey; Ms. Jung, Stewart Elementary School teacher; Raja; Patricia
Act 1 Scene 1
Narrator: The big Quiz Show match between rival teams from Stewart Elementary School and Plains Elementary School is about to begin.
Leon: We've got to do our best today if we want to win and go on to the final match next month.
Stacey: I'm nervous because I've heard that Plains Elementary is a tough team to beat.
Raja: I don't think we'll have a problem beating the Plains team because we've been practicing, and we know our material.
Stacey: Charlotte really knows her geography material, and I hope she gets here soon because we need her if we want to win this one.
Narrator: Ms. Jung, a teacher at Stewart School and coach for the Quiz Show team, comes into the room.
Ms. Jung: Good morning! I'm glad you're all here, but I have some bad news about Charlotte.She has the flu, and she won't be able to be in today's game.
Raja: Oh no, Charlotte is our best team member!
Stacey: Charlotte answers all of those difficult geography questions about cities and countries all over the world, and nobody is as smart as she!
Ms. Jung: Don't worry, because I have asked someone to take Charlotte's place.I would like you all to meet Patricia Fuentes, who is a new student from California.
Narrator: Patricia smiles at the team as Ms. Jung helps her sign in, and the other team members start to worry about the game.
Scene 2
Narrator: Round one of the game is about to begin, but without Charlotte, things look tough for the Stewart Team.
Raja: I don't know why Ms. Jung thinks that Charlotte can be replaced.
Leon: Adding a new team member at this late time will never work!
Plains Member 1: Hey, we heard that one of your team members, Charlotte, has the flu.
Plains Member 2: Yes, isn't she the one on your team who knows the most about geography?
Leon: Yes, but the rest of us know geography, too, so we will be fine.
Narrator: Patricia comes back and joins the group, but she doesn't say anything.
Stacey: I wish that I had worked harder on those geography questions, instead of relying on Charlotte to know all of the answers.
Patricia: I really like geography, and it was my favorite subject school in California.
Raja: OK, then tell me where the city of Rome is located.
Patricia: Rome is the capital of Italy, which is in Europe.
Leon: Maybe we have a chance after all!
Act 2
Narrator: Everyone in the room gets quiet as the Quiz Show host comes out on stage to begin the match.
Quiz Show Host: The rules are that I'll go back and forth between the two teams, asking each team member a question.A correct answer by one of the team members scores one point,but if someone misses a question, the opposing team gets a chance to answer it correctly.If they answer it correctly, they get a point.
Quiz Show Host: Spelling is the subject for round one, and the first word goes to the Plains Team, so please spell the word business.
Plains Member 3: Business is spelled b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s.
Quiz Show Host: That is correct.Stewart Team, please spell the word cousins.
Stacey: Cousins is spelled c-u-s-i-n-s.
Quiz Show Host: I'm Sorry, but that spelling is incorrect. Can someone from Plains Team spell the word cousins correctly?
Plains Member 2: The word is spelled c-o-u-s-i-n-s.
Quiz Show Host: That is correct, Plains Team, so now you must spell the word fraction.
Plains Member 4: The word is spelled f-r-a-c-t-i-o-n.
Quiz Show Host: Correct again! Stewart Team, your next word is confusion.
Leon: Confusion is spelled c-o-n-f-u-t-i-o-n.
Quiz Show Host: I'm sorry, that is an incorrect spelling.Plains Team, please try to spell the word confusion.
Plains Member 1: It is spelled c-o-n-f-u-s-i-o-n.
Narrator: The spelling round continues, but things aren't looking good for the Stewart Team,and at the end of round one, the score is Plains Team 6, Stewart Team 1.