The Cold
The Cold The Cold Kim went to see her friend Lizzy. “Can you come out to play?” said Kim. “I have my skates.” “I can't come out,” said Lizzy. “I have a cold.” “I have a game,” said Kim. “Can you play with me?” “I can't play a game,” said Lizzy. “I have a bad cold.” “Can you read with me?” said Kim. “I have a book.” “I can't play at all,” said Lizzy. So Kim went home. Lizzy went to see Kim. “Here I am!” said Lizzy. “Come out to play.” “I can't,” said Kim.
The Cold

The Cold

Kim went to see her friend Lizzy.

“Can you come out to play?” said Kim.
“I have my skates.”
“I can't come out,” said Lizzy.
“I have a cold.”