THE ELK HUNTERS THE ELK HUNTERS The Snohomish people still live in what is now Washington State. They have lived there for a long time. They were known for hunting elk. The elk gave them meat for food. They made clothing from elk skin. They made tools, weapons, and art from elk antlers. The elk were very important to the Snohomish. Elk even became part of a constellation. This tale tells how that happened. It explains what the Snohomish saw overhead in the night sky. It also honors the elk


The Snohomish people still live in what is now Washington State.They have lived there for a long time.They were known for hunting elk.The elk gave them meat for food.They made clothing from elk skin.They made tools, weapons, and art from elk antlers.

The elk were very important to the Snohomish.Elk even became part of a constellation.This tale tells how that happened.It explains what the Snohomish saw overhead in the night sky.It also honors the elk that they hunted.
The Snohomish say the Creator went from east to west.As he went he made the land.He gave people different languages.The languages let the people speak.
The Creator stopped when he reached the land of the Snohomish.There he left his leftover languages.