INTERRUPTING CHICKEN INTERRUPTING CHICKEN It was bedtime for the little red chicken. "Okay, my little chicken," said Papa. "Are you all ready to go to sleep?" "Yes, Papa! But you forgot something." "What's that?" asked Papa. "A bedtime story!" "All right," said Papa. "I'll read one of your favorites. And of course you are not going to interrupt the story tonight, are you?" "Oh no, Papa. I'll be good" HANSEL AND GRETEL Hansel and Gretel were very hungry. Deep in the woo


It was bedtime for the little red chicken.

"Okay, my little chicken," said Papa.
"Are you all ready to go to sleep?"
"Yes, Papa! But you forgot something."
"What's that?" asked Papa.
"A bedtime story!"
"All right," said Papa. "I'll read one of your favorites.
And of course you are not going to interrupt the story tonight, are you?"
"Oh no, Papa. I'll be good"
Hansel and Gretel were very hungry.
Deep in the woods they found a house made of candy.
Nibble, nibble, nibble; they began to eat the house,
until the old woman who lived there came out and said,
"What lovely children! Why don't you come inside?"
They were just about to follow her when-
out jumped a little red chicken, and she said,
So Hansel and Gretel didn't. THE END!
"Yes, Papa?
"You interrupted the story.
Try not to get so involved."
"I'm sorry, Papa. But she really was a witch."
"Well, you're supposed to be relaxing so you can fall asleep."
"Let's try another story. I'll be good!"
Little Red Riding Hood
"Take this basket of goodies to Grandma,"
said Little Red Riding Hood's mother.
"But don't stray from the path.
The woods are full of danger."
Red Riding Hood skipped along through the deep woods.
By and by she met a wolf who wished her "Good morning."
She was about to answer him when-