The Goat and the Rock: A Tale from Tibet
The Goat and the Rock: A Tale from Tibet The Goat and the Rock: A Tale from Tibet Chapter 1 An Unfortunate Accident Long ago in the land of Tibet there was a poor man who struggled to provide food and money for his family. Each morning the man would wake up early to milk his cow. He would then carefully carry a 5-gallon clay jug of milk through the narrow, winding streets of town, never spilling a single drop. The milk seller would call out to people in his loud, clear voice and say, “Fresh milk
The Goat and the Rock: A Tale from Tibet

The Goat and the Rock: A Tale from Tibet

Chapter 1 An Unfortunate Accident

Long ago in the land of Tibet there was a poor man who struggled to provide food and money for his family.Each morning the man would wake up early to milk his cow.He would then carefully carry a 5-gallon clay jug of milk through the narrow, winding streets of town, never spilling a single drop.The milk seller would call out to people in his loud, clear voice and say, “Fresh milk for sale! Get your fresh milk now!”

People who wanted to buy milk would step outside of their houses with a few coins.The milk seller would pour milk from his large jug into their pitchers.He always told his customers what a wise choice they had made in buying milk from him.After collecting his money, the milk seller would continue down the street calling, “The sweetest, freshest milk can be bought right here!”

One day the milk seller was doing so well that it seemed as if every person in every house wanted to buy milk.The milk peddler had an especially fine morning,but by noon he was tired from all his hard work and decided to sit in the shade of a large rock.He set down the heavy jug, now half-empty, and took out some bread to eat.Suddenly he heard the sound of a goat.He looked up to see one of his friends leading a small herd of goats toward him.

“Hello!” the friend called in a loud, happy voice.The sound scared one of the goats, and as it leaped onto the rock, the goat knocked over the jug and broke it into small pieces.
The milk seller first thought about how hard he had been working to get enough money to feed his family.Unfortunately, he could not afford to buy a new jug, so he demanded that his friend pay for the jug and the lost milk.His friend agreed that the accident was terrible for the milk seller.But he pointed out that it wasn’t really his fault because it was the goat who had spilled the milk.
The two men argued for a long time, but they were not able to agree on a solution to their problem.Finally they decided to take their case to a judge.
Chapter 2 Talking to the Judge

The two men found the judge and told him their stories.The judge listened carefully to each man’s description of the event.
“It is clear that it was not the milk seller’s fault that he lost his jug and his milk,” said the judge.“Without his jug, he will not be able to sell his milk or feed his-family.”
The milk seller looked over at his friend and smiled, thinking that he had won.But the judge had more to say.
“It is also clear that it’s not his friend’s fault, either,” continued the judge.“The man was just saying hello.If he had to sell his goats to pay for the damage, he would not be able to feed his family either.”
The two men looked puzzled.They weren’t sure what the judge would say next!How could neither of them be at fault?