The Case of the Disappearing Sugar
The Case of the Disappearing Sugar The Case of the Disappearing Sugar Marco sat beside his sister on the front steps of their house. Inez was putting on her soccer cleats. She was in a hurry, and she looked upset. "Why am I doing this?" she said. "Why am I letting you bring lemonade to the game again?" "People liked drinking my lemonade at the last game," protested Marco. "They didn't like it," she said. "They were just being polite!" "It was a little sour," said Marco. "It was very sour!
The Case of the Disappearing Sugar

The Case of the Disappearing Sugar

Marco sat beside his sister on the front steps of their house.Inez was putting on her soccer cleats. She was in a hurry, and she looked upset.
"Why am I doing this?" she said. "Why am I letting you bring lemonade to the game again?"
"People liked drinking my lemonade at the last game," protested Marco.
"They didn't like it," she said. "They were just being polite!"
"It was a little sour," said Marco. "It was very sour!"
Marco looked hurt. "I didn't know I had to put sugar in it.Lemonade doesn't taste like it has sugar in it." Inez knew lemonade is sweet.
Inez was still unsure about her brother's lemonade, but she remembered her mother's words.Marco is only nine years old. He is just trying to be helpful."
Marco's voice broke the silence. "I have a recipe this time. Mami wrote it down for me."
"Okay," said Inez. "Be at the soccer field in an hour and a half!It's going to be a hot day. So make enough lemonade for the whole team.That means three gallons! And add sugar!"
Inez grabbed the soccer ball and hurried across the street into the park.
Marco bit his lip. I'd better do it right this time, he thought.
First, Marco had to pick the lemons.He went out to the lemon tree in his backyard.There were a lot of lemons! Marco picked lemons until his basket was full.
When Marco returned to the kitchen, he looked at the clock. "Yikes!" he said aloud."I've only got a half hour to make this lemonade!"
Marco's parents were busy people. Marco's mother worked in a chemistry lab in the city.His dad worked at home on computers.He had an office upstairs. Marco tried not to bother him during work hours.Still, Papa was always helpful when Inez or Marco needed him.
Marco went to his dad's office upstairs and asked his dad,"Papa, can you help me cut the lemons for the lemonade I will make?"
As Papa cut the lemons, Marco gathered all the kitchen tools he would need.He put three 1-gallon jugs on the table.
It didn't take long to cut the lemons. "Do you know how to do the rest?" asked Papa.
Marco nodded. "Yes, Papa, I can do it."