The Roadrunners
The Roadrunners The Roadrunners The Building a Nest It is a spring day in the desert. A bird is collecting sticks behind an old house on Cactus Road. She uses the sticks to make a nest. The bird is Mother Roadrunner. Her name tells you that she likes to run. She doesn't fly well, so she doesn't make her nest high in a tree. She tucks the nest in some cactus plants. Eggs in the Nest Mother Roadrunner lays four eggs in the nest over the next four days. Then she settles down
The Roadrunners

The Roadrunners

The Building a Nest
It is a spring day in the desert.
A bird is collecting sticks behind an old house on Cactus Road.
She uses the sticks to make a nest.
The bird is Mother Roadrunner.
Her name tells you that she likes to run.
She doesn't fly well, so she doesn't make her nest high in a tree.
She tucks the nest in some cactus plants.
Eggs in the Nest
Mother Roadrunner lays four eggs in the nest over the next four days.
Then she settles down to sleep.
She is tired after all her hard work.
Later, the sound of rain wakes Mother Roadrunner.
She leaves her nest and runs into the desert to sip rainwater.
Mother Roadrunner always runs wherever she goes!
Father Roadrunner stays in the nest while she is gone.
He protects the eggs until Mother Roadrunner comes back.
Mother Roadrunner sees some lizards near a rain puddle.
Lizards are fast.
But Mother Roadrunner is faster!
She zooms across the ground.
She catches a lizard.
It is a good snack for a roadrunner.