The Singing Bird
The Singing Bird The Singing Bird There was once a little bird. She sang a lot. Everyone was happy. The king saw the little bird. He said, "Come and live in this lovely cage." "Sing little bird!" said the king. The little bird did not sing. She was too sad. Then the king said, "Here is some food for you." “Now, sing little bird, sing." But the little bird did not sing. She was very sad. Now the king was very sad, too. Then the king let the bird out. “Go little
The Singing Bird

The Singing Bird

There was once a little bird.
She sang a lot.
Everyone was happy.
The king saw the little bird.
He said, "Come and live in this lovely cage."
"Sing little bird!" said the king.
The little bird did not sing.
She was too sad.