Trains, Trains, Trains!
Trains, Trains, Trains! Trains, Trains, Trains! Cling, clang! Cling, clang! Wait! A bell is clanging. That tells us that a train is on its way! Do you like to ride on trains? Trains ride fast on tracks. But a train is not as fast as a plane. Where do trains stop? A train may stop where you live. You can get on at a stop. You can get off at a stop. Let us hop on this train! What can you do on a train? You can eat on a train. You can chat with a pal. You may tak
Trains, Trains, Trains!

Trains, Trains, Trains!

Cling, clang! Cling, clang!
Wait! A bell is clanging.
That tells us that a train is on its way!
Do you like to ride on trains?
Trains ride fast on tracks.
But a train is not as fast as a plane.
Where do trains stop?
A train may stop where you live.
You can get on at a stop.
You can get off at a stop.
Let us hop on this train!