Yum, Strawberries!

Yum, Strawberries! Yum, Strawberries! Characters: Lily, Mom, Mike, Ivy Setting: Rooftop garden (Lily and Mom carry a pot.) Lily: I like strawberries! (Lily waters the plants.) Lily: The plants need water. Mom: The strawberries should grow soon. (Mike, Lily, and Mom are in the garden.) Lily: I am sad. The plants are not ready to pick. Mike: Your plants will be ready soon. (Mike gives tomatoes to Lily.) Mike: Take some tomatoes. (Ivy, Lily, and Mom are in the garde


Yum, Strawberries!

Yum, Strawberries!

Characters: Lily, Mom, Mike, Ivy

Setting: Rooftop garden

(Lily and Mom carry a pot.)

Lily: I like strawberries!

(Lily waters the plants.)

Lily: The plants need water.

Mom: The strawberries should grow soon.

(Mike, Lily, and Mom are in the garden.)

Lily: I am sad.

The plants are not ready to pick.

Mike: Your plants will be ready soon.

(Mike gives tomatoes to Lily.)

Mike: Take some tomatoes.
