ABad Luck
ABad Luck Bad Luck Jack jumps on the truck. Jack jumps on the truck for a trip to the dump. Jack sits in back. Jack sits in the back with the sand and the sticks. The truck hits a bump. The truck hits a bump and Jack goes thump. The sand and the sticks land in a clump. Bad luck for Jack! Jack lifts the sand and the sticks. Jack lifts them onto the truck. Jack jumps back on the dump truck. Jack has to rest. CRACK! The dump truck has a crack in the back. Back luck for Jack!
ABad Luck

Bad Luck

Jack jumps on the truck.Jack jumps on the truck for a trip to the dump.

Jack sits in back.Jack sits in the back with the sand and the sticks.

The truck hits a bump.

The truck hits a bump and Jack goes thump.