ACROPOLIS ADVENTURE ACROPOLIS ADVENTURE DIMITRI THE GREEK "You must be Brady." Surprised, Brady stopped and looked around the cafe. "Over here, young man," the voice continued. "Are you Dimitri?" Brady asked. "Yes," he answered. Dimitri's head was completely bald and tanned by years in the sun. His eyes were bright and welcoming. Even though the man was sitting down, Brady could tell he was tall. Brady was on vacation with his parents in Greece. They had arranged for him to mee


"You must be Brady."
Surprised, Brady stopped and looked around the cafe.
"Over here, young man," the voice continued.
"Are you Dimitri?" Brady asked.
"Yes," he answered.
Dimitri's head was completely bald and tanned by years in the sun.His eyes were bright and welcoming.Even though the man was sitting down, Brady could tell he was tall.
Brady was on vacation with his parents in Greece.They had arranged for him to meet Dimitri, an old family friend, while they went to the Athens National Museum.
"So, you know my dad?" Brady asked.
"Yes. And I'm happy to answer any questions you have about Greece."
"Well, I don't have many questions," Brady answered with a shrug of his shoulders."All this ancient history and learning about other countries is kind of boring."
"Boring?" Dimitri boomed."This is one of the most exciting cities in the world."
"We'll see about that," said Brady, not really interested.
Dimitri and Brady left the cafe.The pair walked toward the steep-sided hill called the Acropolis, which is Greece's most famous landmark.
"What are we doing here?" Brady protested.Instead of answering, Dimitri led Brady toward a stone tower off to their left.It was a two-story-high marble tower with eight sides.At the top of each of the eight flat sides was a carved figure.
"Brady, tell me what you see," Dimitri said, pointing to the tower.
"Um, I guess I see a tower," Brady answered.
"That's obvious," Dimitri smiled. "Look closer and tell me what you see."
Brady shaded his eyes and focused.He noticed several small metal rods rusted with age.They poked out from the flat sides of the tower at odd angles.Each rod rose out from one of the carved figures."Dimitri, what are those rods for?" Brady asked.
"This landmark is called the Tower of the Winds.Brady, look more closely at the carvings.Do you see the straight lines cutting through the carved figures?
"Yes," Brady answered.
"Do you know what a sundial is?" Dimitri asked.
"Yeah," Brady answered. "It tells time by the shadow created by the Sun, right?"
"Yes. This tower does indeed tell time, but it's also a calendar," said Dimitri.
"I don't understand," Brady said.
"It's quite brilliant, really," Dimitri continued."The Sun changes position in the sky throughout the year.When hit by the shadow cast by the rod, the lines informed citizens of Athens of the exact time of day.They also revealed the exact time of year."
"That's kind of cool," Brady answered.
"Speaking of time, we better get moving. We have much to see," said Dimitri.