Adventure in Bear Valley
Adventure in Bear Valley Adventure in Bear Valley "Going to California sure sounded like a grand idea when Ma and Pa were alive," Emily said in a low voice, the hush of the dark woods sending shivers down her spine. Emily's brother Jess glanced warily at her as he picked up branches of firewood. "When Ma and Pa died, we didn't have any choice but to continue heading west." Like many pioneers, their parents had died on the perilous trail to California, and the Hutchinsons, a young pioneering c
Adventure in Bear Valley

Adventure in Bear Valley

"Going to California sure sounded like a grand idea when Ma and Pa were alive,"Emily said in a low voice, the hush of the dark woods sending shivers down her spine.
Emily's brother Jess glanced warily at her as he picked up branches of firewood."When Ma and Pa died, we didn't have any choice but to continue heading west."
Like many pioneers, their parents had died on the perilous trail to California,and the Hutchinsons, a young pioneering couple, had taken them in.The four of them had traveled for days through the grandest, greenest mountains they had ever seen.They finally set up camp somewhere on the western slopes in Californiajust as the sun's rays faded from the horizon of the late September sky.
"The Hutchinsons seem plenty nice enough," Emily said, reflecting on friendly Mrs. Hutchinson,a timid woman who spent most of her time in the wagon.
"We're not their family," Jess said shortly. "Don't tie to them just yet."
Their wagon train had left the plains of Missouri in Aprilon the promise of hitting pay dirt in Sierra Nevada gold country by October.A couple weeks ago their wagon and a few others had split from the main group on a routethat would lead them to kin who had already settled in California.
Being between hay and grass, Jess had signed on to be Mr. Hutchinson's apprentice after Ma and Pa passed.Mr. Hutchison, a rather bully blacksmith, planned to sell tools he made to miners.And where Jess went, Emily dutifully followed, helping Mrs. Hutchinson cook and do chores.
As they gathered more firewood, Emily heard twigs snap.A low growl came from a clump of trees to the left.
"Did you hear that?" Emily whispered urgently to Jess."Let's head back. I don't like it out here," pleaded Emily as the shadows grew long and the forest turned dark as midnight.
"Afraid of some ol' boogeyman?" Jess teased gently."Well, I think we've got plenty of firewood anyway. Let's get outta here."
Walking back to camp, Emily couldn't help glancing over her shoulder every few steps.
"Just in time," Mr. Hutchinson said with a smile as they returned to camp."I think the fire was about to peter out."
Jess scowled. It was just a harmless remark, but lately Jess was like a bear with a sore head around Mr. Hutchinson.
"Emily," Mrs. Hutchinson's voice interrupted her thoughts, "would you help me bake some biscuits?"
"I'd be glad to," Emily said.She walked over to the covered wagon—it stored everything they owned beneath its rounded canvas cover.Emily fetched the heavy iron skillet Mrs. Hutchinson used to make their meals.
"Campfire biscuits again?" Jess said. "I'd give anything for a heapin' plate of Ma's biscuits."
Emily knew what he meant was that he'd give anything to have Ma back again.
Emily looked at Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson. They'd both winced when Jess mentioned the biscuits.She hoped they didn't think Jess was criticizing Mrs. Hutchinson's cooking.
"Emily, when we get to Bear Valley," Mrs. Hutchinson said, "could you show me how to make your Ma's recipe for biscuits?I'm sure mine don't hold a candle to hers."
Before Emily could answer, Mr. Hutchinson said, "I have good news for you, dear.We just entered Bear Valley. We should be at your brother's homestead in a couple of days."
"Why do they call it Bear Valley?" Emily asked.
Mrs. Hutchinson gave her husband a look that said don't answer that, but he ignored it."The children need to know the dangers in this wilderness, Elizabeth," he said to his wife.
He explained: "There are bears in these woods, big black bears, bigger grizzly bears, and even mountain lions.You need to be careful, and don't wander into the woods alone."
That night, Emily fell asleep quickly, dragged out by traveling and chores.She tossed and turned throughout the night as she dreamed of strange forest creatures.
The next morning, Emily awoke early to find a light frost had blanketed the ground."I'll make flapjacks," she said to herself, wanting to surprise Jess and the Hutchinsons.
Emily rebraided her hair as the sun peeked over the mountains, burning off the frost.Emily was dying to change into a clean, pressed dress like her mother laid out for her on Sundays,but she'd have to wait until they reached the homestead.
The campfire sputtered, the flames all but dead.Emily leaned over, intending to shake her brother awake to collect wood.But Jess looked so peaceful she couldn't bring herself to wake him.She wrapped up in a blanket and headed into the woods.