Chapter 2 Hotter and Hotter
Chapter 2 Hotter and Hotter Chapter 2 Hotter and Hotter The next day the temperature was 90 degrees at breakfast. Everyone was tired and cranky. The milk was sour because of the heat, and Mom snapped at Frank when he tried to tell a funny story. Frank and Alberta argued about silly things. At last, Dad stumped off to his job at the automotive factory, and Mom went to hers at a clothing factory. School was out for the summer, so Alberta and Frank were home. Grandma didn't look well in the hot
Chapter 2 Hotter and Hotter

Chapter 2 Hotter and Hotter
The next day the temperature was 90 degrees at breakfast.Everyone was tired and cranky.
The milk was sour because of the heat, and Mom snapped at Frank when he tried to tell a funny story.Frank and Alberta argued about silly things.At last, Dad stumped off to his job at the automotive factory, and Mom went to hers at a clothing factory.
School was out for the summer, so Alberta and Frank were home.Grandma didn't look well in the hot conditions, and Mom wanted Alberta to stay with her.
It was a long, dull day for Alberta, cooped up in the stifling apartment.She sent Frank out to play with the neighbor's childrenand helped Grandma by getting on with the neverending pile of mending."I would rather be at school!" she thought to herself.Grandma spent most of the day sitting in her armchair, fanning herself.Every so often, she complained of the heat.
Mom came home from work, looking very tired.
"Heavens, it's hot!" she said, sitting down with relief."The thermometer at the factory showed the temperature was 103 degrees!And three women fainted clean away. The heat was too much for them.I even thought I might faint myself this afternoon."