The Hottest Summer
The Hottest Summer The Hottest Summer Chapter 1 Summer at Last "Look, the sun is shining!" cried Alberta, looking out of the window of the third-story apartment she lived in with her mom, dad, grandma, and little brother, Frank. Frank rushed to the window to look, too. "It's about time we saw the sun," said Mom. "I've never known a winter so long and so hard." "At least we both still have our jobs," said Dad. "That's more than many can say, after the factories have had to lay so many pe
The Hottest Summer

The Hottest Summer

Chapter 1 Summer at Last
"Look, the sun is shining!" cried Alberta,looking out of the window of the third-story apartment she lived in with her mom, dad, grandma, and little brother, Frank.
Frank rushed to the window to look, too.
"It's about time we saw the sun," said Mom."I've never known a winter so long and so hard."
"At least we both still have our jobs," said Dad."That's more than many can say, after the factories have had to lay so many people off."
The family was in the middle of the morning rush.The children were eating their breakfast.Mom had made the lunches, and she handed Dad his lunch as he went past her on his way out the door to work.Grandma was sitting with her mending basket open, darning socks.
Those first days of summer were a lot of fun.The temperatures, however, continued to climb.In July, a heat wave struck. Day after day, the temperature reached 98 degrees.People were irritable in the high heat.Grandma was driven to distraction by the complaining of the children, who were hot and bored.