Ant and Grasshopper
Ant and Grasshopper Ant and Grasshopper "It is spring," said Ant. "It is time to plant a little garden." Ant planted rows of little beans. Grasshopper got out a ball. "It is time to play," he said. Ant worked, but Grasshopper just played. Little by little, the beans grew. Soon, it was fall. The leaves fell from the trees. "It is time to pick my beans," said Ant. He filled a basket with beans. Grasshopper played in the leaves. Fall became winter. "It is time to ma
Ant and Grasshopper

Ant and Grasshopper

"It is spring," said Ant.
"It is time to plant a little garden."
Ant planted rows of little beans.
Grasshopper got out a ball.
"It is time to play," he said.