Babu's Song
Babu's Song Babu's Song Bernardi ran hard, kicking the ball toward the goal. His arms pumping and his heart racing, he didn't care that he was the only boy on the field not wearing a school uniform. He loved soccer and his one concern was making a goal. With a final kick so powerful that it knocked him on his back, Bernardi sent the ball flying past the goalie and into the net. Bernardi lay on the grassy field, catching his breath. A boy helped him up, then ran after the others going into t
Babu's Song

Babu's Song

Bernardi ran hard, kicking the ball toward the goal.His arms pumping and his heart racing,he didn't care that he was the only boy on the field not wearing a school uniform.
He loved soccer and his one concern was making a goal.With a final kick so powerful that it knocked him on his back,Bernardi sent the ball flying past the goalie and into the net.
Bernardi lay on the grassy field, catching his breath.A boy helped him up, then ran after the others going into the school.Bernardi wished he could go to school like the other children.He liked to learn, and thought he could be a good student.Besides, then he could play soccer every day, not just when the schoolboys needed an extra player.Bernardi lived with his grandfather, Babu, and they did not have enough money for school.
Slowly Bernardi walked home.
When Bernardi walked in, Babu gave him a hug.This was how he said hello, because an illness had taken his voice a long time ago.
"Hello, Babu," Bernardi said. "I made a goal today."Bernardi loved telling Babu his soccer stories.
Babu held up a figure made of wood.He pulled a string, and the figure's jointed arms and legs popped up and down, making Bernardi laugh.Babu was a toy maker.He had only to look at an object and he knew what toy it would become,such as an airplane from a tin can or a whistle from a scrap of wood.
After Babu made his toys Bernardi would sell them.Together they made enough money to live on.
Babu made tea for Bernardi and himself.After they finished Bernardi took an old bag from beside the door, waved good-bye to Babu, and set off for the market.As he walked, Bernardi hummed a tune.It was a song that Babu had sung when he had his voice.Humming it made Bernardi wish Babu could still speak.
"Anything for Babu?" Bernardi asked the vendors when he reached the market.
The vendors gave Bernardi bits of string or paper, anything that Babu might be able to use to make his toys.Mama Valentina, who sold salt, called to Bernardi.She handed him a plastic gunnysack.Bernardi thanked her as he stuffed it into his bag, even though he didn't think Babu could use it.
As Bernardi walked home, he passed a shop downtown and stopped to look in the window.There among the bright bolts of cloth and shiny pots was a new soccer ball.It was just what he had always wanted.Bernardi pressed his face against the window and looked at the price.It was more than it cost to go to school!
Slowly Bernardi backed away from the window.He did not hum as he walked home.