Mice and Beans
Mice and Beans Mice and Beans Rosa Maria lived in a tiny house with a tiny yard. But she had a big heart, a big family, and more than anything, she loved to cook big meals for them. In one week, her youngest grandchild, Little Catalina, would be seven years old, and the whole family would squeeze into her casita for the party. Rosa Maria didn't mind because she believed what her mother had always said: "When there's room in the heart, there's room in the house, except for a mouse." Sunday,
Mice and Beans

Mice and Beans

Rosa Maria lived in a tiny house with a tiny yard.But she had a big heart, a big family, and more than anything, she loved to cook big meals for them.
In one week, her youngest grandchild, Little Catalina, would be seven years old,and the whole family would squeeze into her casita for the party.
Rosa Maria didn't mind because she believed what her mother had always said:"When there's room in the heart, there's room in the house, except for a mouse."
Sunday, Rosa Maria planned the menu:enchiladas, rice and beans (no dinner was complete without rice and beans!),birthday cake, lemonade, and a piñata filled with candy.
She ordered the birthday present - something Little Catalina had wanted for a long time.
Satisfied with the plans, she wiped down the table so she wouldn't get mice and took out a mousetrap just in case.She was sure she had set one the night before, but now she couldn't find it. Maybe she'd forgotten.
When it was set and ready to snap, she turned off the light and went to bed.
Monday, Rosa Maria did the laundry.She washed and ironed her largest tablecloth and the twenty-four napkins that matched.But when she finished, she only counted twenty-three.
"No importa," she said. "It doesn't matter.So what if someone has a napkin that doesn't match?The important thing is that we're all together."
After dinner she swept the floor and checked the mousetrap. But it was missing.
Didn't I set one last night? she wondered.
She hurried to the cupboard to fetch another, and when it was set and ready to snap, she turned off the light and went to bed.
Tuesday, Rosa Maria walked to the market.She filled her big bolsa with tortillas, cheese, red sauce, white rice, pinto beans, and a bag of candy.She bought a piñata and on her way home she stopped at the pasteleria to order the cake.
After dinner, she washed the dishes and checked the mousetrap. But it had vanished.
"Que boba soy! Silly me, I must have forgotten, again!"
She hurried to the cupboard to fetch another and when it was set and ready to snap,she turned off the light and went to bed.
Wednesday, Rosa Maria prepared the enchiladas.She noticed the piñata was missing a few feathers.
"No importa," she said. "Those feathers won't make a difference to the children when the piñata is filled with candy."
After dinner she mopped up the sauce and checked the mousetrap.
But it was gone again! "I am so busy that I'm forgetting to remember!" she cried.
She hurried to the cupboard to fetch another and when it was set and ready to snap,she turned off the light and went to bed.
Thursday, Rosa Maria simmered the beans.She searched for her favorite wooden spoon, the one she always used to cook frijoles, but she couldn't find it.
"No importa," she said. "The beans will taste just as good if I use another spoon."
She added water all day long until the beans were plump and soft.Then she scrubbed the stove and checked the mousetrap.
But it was nowhere in sight!
"Cielos!" she said. "Heavens! Where is my mind?"
She hurried to the cupboard to fetch another and when it was set and ready to snap,she turned off the light and went to bed.