Balloonia Balloonia Goodbye, balloon, have a nice trip. Just where do you think that balloon is going, Matthew? To Balloonia Land, Jessica, where balloons live. What nonsense! Balloons don’t have their own country. Yes, they do! It’s just beyond the clouds. Look, Jessica! Your balloon wants to go, too. No, it doesn’t! And even if it did, I wouldn't let it. But, think about all the fun you had with your balloon today. Let it go to Balloonia, where balloons live for ever. If y


Goodbye, balloon, have a nice trip.
Just where do you think that balloon is going, Matthew?
To Balloonia Land, Jessica, where balloons live.
What nonsense! Balloons don’t have their own country.
Yes, they do! It’s just beyond the clouds.
Look, Jessica! Your balloon wants to go, too.
No, it doesn’t! And even if it did, I wouldn't let it.
But, think about all the fun you had with your balloon today.
Let it go to Balloonia, where balloons live for ever.
If you don’t, it will lose its air and shrivel up to nothing.
So what! I don’t care! That’s just what happens to balloons.
You’ll be sorry Jessica. Good night.
Matthew’s trying to make me feel bad.
There is no Balloonia.
If there is, take me there… or else!
What’s happening?
I feel so light,
so airy,
does strange!
My arms have turned into balloons!
My legs have turned into balloons!