Presto Change-O

Presto Change-O Presto Change-O Presto Change-O Zippity Zap! Magic flowers, come out of my hat! Matthew, just what do you think you're doing? Rehearsing tricks for my magic show, Jessica. Tricks? How boring! I can do real magic! Presenting the fantastic Queen of Magic! Watch and be amazed! Go away, Jessica. This is my show. I'm the best magician. You are not! Oh, yes I am! Children, please stop arguing. Your magic will be better if you work together. So there, Matth


Presto Change-O

Presto Change-O

Presto Change-O Zippity Zap!

Magic flowers, come out of my hat!

Matthew, just what do you think you're doing?

Rehearsing tricks for my magic show, Jessica.

Tricks? How boring! I can do real magic!

Presenting the fantastic Queen of Magic!

Watch and be amazed!

Go away, Jessica. This is my show.

I'm the best magician.

You are not! Oh, yes I am!

Children, please stop arguing.

Your magic will be better if you work together.

So there, Matthew! First, I'll do Chinese Rings.

That's not real magic!

Real magic?


Hee, hee, I knew you were just bragging.

Oh, yeah… See this magic powder?

Presto Change-O Jiggledy Jog,

I'll turn a human…

... into a frog!


Where's Mother?

Look, there's a frog in her basket!

Jessica, I think you made a big mistake.
