BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL ONE day, Little Sal went with her mother to Blueberry Hill to pick blueberries. Little Sal brought along her small tin pail and her mother brought her large tin pail to put berries in. “We will take our berries home and can them,” said her mother. “Then we will have food for the winter.” Little Sal picked three berries and dropped them in her little tin pail... kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk! She picked three more berries and ate them. Then she picked mo


ONE day, Little Sal went with her mother to Blueberry Hill to pick blueberries.Little Sal brought along her small tin pail and her mother brought her large tin pail to put berries in.“We will take our berries home and can them,” said her mother.“Then we will have food for the winter.”

Little Sal picked three berries and dropped them in her little tin pail...
kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk!
She picked three more berries and ate them.Then she picked more berries and dropped one in the pail—kuplunk!And the rest she ate.Then Little Sal ate all four blue berries out of her pail!
Her mother walked slowly through the bushes,picking blueberries as she went and putting them in her pail.Little Sal struggled along behind, picking blueberries and eating every single one.
Little Sal hurried ahead and dropped a blueberry in her mother's pail.It didn’t sound kuplink!because the bottom of the pail was already covered with berries.She reached down inside to get her berry back.Though she really didn’t mean to, she pulled out a large handful,because there were so many blueberries right up close to the one she had put in.
Her mother stopped picking and said, “Now, Sal, you run along and pick your own berries.Mother wants to take her berries home and can them for next winter.”
Her mother went back to her picking,but Little Sal, because her feet were tired of standing and walking,sat down in the middle of a large clump of bushes and ate blueberries.
On the other side of Blueberry Hill, Little Bear came with his mother to eat blueberries.“Little Bear,” she said, “eat lots of berries and grow big and fat.We must store up food for the long, cold winter.”
Little Bear followed behind his mother as she walked slowly through the bushes eating berries.Little Bear stopped now and then to eat berries.
Then he had to hustle along to catch up!
Because his feet were tired of hustling,he picked out a large clump of bushes and sat down right in the middle and ate blueberries.
Over on the other side of the hill,Little Sal ate all of the berries she could reach from where she was sitting,then she started out to find her mother.