Chapter 3 Scaredy-saurus Rex
Chapter 3 Scaredy-saurus Rex Chapter 3 Scaredy-saurus Rex Tyro had almost found the other dinosaurs, when Cosmo called out again. "You tyrannosaurs are all the same," he said. "If someone stands up to you - you run off with your tail between your legs." Tyro stopped in her tracks. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" she snarled. "You heard me," yelled Cosmo. "You're a SCAREDY-SAURUS!" "THAT'S ENOUGH!" shouted Tyro. "I'll show you who's a scaredy-saurus." The tyrannosaur swung around and stormed tow
Chapter 3 Scaredy-saurus Rex

Chapter 3 Scaredy-saurus Rex

Tyro had almost found the other dinosaurs, when Cosmo called out again.
"You tyrannosaurs are all the same," he said."If someone stands up to you - you run off with your tail between your legs."
Tyro stopped in her tracks.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" she snarled.