Can You Say Pterodactyl
Can You Say Pterodactyl Can You Say Pterodactyl There once was a very rare creature called a pterodactyl. She had big, leathery wings. She had a big, bony beak. But her name she could barely speak. Her name was Pterodactyl. The pterodactyl couldn't say "Pterodactyl." The word got caught between her beak and tongue. She would take a big breath. She would scrunch up her beak and blurt, "Patero Whack Datal!" Now, if you can't say your name, it is very hard to meet someone new.
Can You Say Pterodactyl

Can You Say Pterodactyl

There once was a very rare creature called a pterodactyl.
She had big, leathery wings.
She had a big, bony beak.
But her name she could barely speak.
Her name was Pterodactyl.
The pterodactyl couldn't say "Pterodactyl."
The word got caught between her beak and tongue.
She would take a big breath.
She would scrunch up her beak and blurt, "Patero Whack Datal!"
Now, if you can't say your name, it is very hard to meet someone new.
One day, as she was flying along, she met a duck.
The duck said. "Hi, I'm Duck.
Who are you?"
She took a deep breath.
She scrunched up her beak and said, "Patero Patero-Whack Whack-Datal!"The duck thought she was making a rude noise and flew away.
Later that day, she happened upon a small bird in a tree.
The little bird chirped, "Hi, I'm Wren.
Who are you?"
The pterodactyl took a really big breath.
This time she was going to get it right.
This time she was going to make a friend.