Capter 2 A New Friend
Capter 2 A New Friend Capter 2 A New Friend Liza was distracted and excited all day. She was sure that Mama wanted her to help with Frank's secret room. After school, Liza and Mama walked to Free Frank's farm. When the time was right, Mama would tell her what was happening. Still, Liza stared at Mama, waiting for her to speak. Finally, Mama said, "Okay, child, stop looking at me that way. I'll tell you what is going on. You're old enough now to help with the fugitives." Liza's heart skipp
Capter 2 A New Friend

Capter 2 A New Friend
Liza was distracted and excited all day.She was sure that Mama wanted her to help with Frank's secret room.
After school, Liza and Mama walked to Free Frank's farm.When the time was right, Mama would tell her what was happening.Still, Liza stared at Mama, waiting for her to speak.
Finally, Mama said, "Okay, child, stop looking at me that way.I'll tell you what is going on. You're old enough now to help with the fugitives."
Liza's heart skipped a beat. Liza nodded her head.
Her mother continued, "We're taking shoes to those poor people.They ran away in just their bare feet.Thankfully, our kindhearted shoemakers offered to help.I think some of the fugitives may have to stay here for a while."