CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 10 Dink read the sign sticking out of the snowbank: Welcome to Blue Hills. The kids stopped and leaned on their ski poles. The sun shone on the spruce trees, turning their snowy branches to gold. "The town can't be far now," Dink said. He looked at his watch. "It's almost eight." "Can we rest for a while?" Josh asked. "I feel like lying right down in the snow." "We could," Dink said, "but what if Dot cashes in the ticket while we're resting?" "She's probably still in

Dink read the sign sticking out of the snowbank: Welcome to Blue Hills.
The kids stopped and leaned on their ski poles.The sun shone on the spruce trees, turning their snowy branches to gold.
"The town can't be far now," Dink said. He looked at his watch. "It's almost eight."
"Can we rest for a while?" Josh asked. "I feel like lying right down in the snow."
"We could," Dink said, "but what if Dot cashes in the ticket while we're resting?"
"She's probably still in bed," Josh grumbled, "where we should be."
Ruth Rose laughed. "Josh, would you still be in bed if you had a winning lottery ticket? Come on, I'll race you!"
Dink and Josh skied after Ruth Rose, and a few minutes later they were on Main Street in Blue Hills.
"Let's ask where the lottery place is," Ruth Rose said, pointing to a gas station.
The kids skied up to the office and peeked in the window.Dink saw a man reading a newspaper and sipping from a coffee mug.
Dink tapped on the window, and the man got up and opened the door."Skis," the man said. "Why didn't I think of that?My poor old truck nearly skidded into Indian River this morning!"
He knelt and patted Pal. "Bet this fella wishes he had some skis, too."
"Can you tell us how to get to the lottery place?" Dink asked.
"Sure can," the man said. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him."See that flashing light? That's Middle Street.Hang a right there, and about a half mile up, you'll see the sign. Red-brick building."
He glanced at the kids. "One of you a winner?" "No, but a friend of ours is!" Ruth Rose said.
The man looked at his watch. "Place must be just opening," he said.
"Thanks a lot, mister," Dink said, and they skied up the quiet white street.
There were two cars in the parking lot in front of lottery headquarters.One of the cars had pulled in next to a sign that said Employee Parking.The other car was right in front of the entrance.Josh peeked through the windows. "Guys, take a look," he whispered.
Dink and Ruth Rose skied over and looked into the car.Gum wrappers twisted into silver bow ties littered the floor and seats.
"Dot must be inside!" Ruth Rose said. "Hurry up, let's get in there!"
The kids took off their skis and left them and their poles outside the door. Josh told Pal to stay.
Dink opened the door, and the kids stepped inside.The room had a few chairs, a counter, and a row of filing cabinets.
A Christmas song was coming from a radio on a shelf.On the same shelf was perched a video camera.The lens was aimed at the counter. A small sign read: All Lottery Transactions Are Taped For Your Safety.
A man was standing at the counter with his back to the kids. He was wearing a puffy down coat.A ski hat was pulled down over dark hair, and Dink could just see one end of a mustache.
"That guy looks like my picture of Joe!" Josh hissed in Dink's ear.
The man reached a hand into his pocket.When he pulled his hand out, something dropped to the floor. It was another silver bow tie!
Just then a clerk approached the counter.She smiled at the kids and said, "Good morning. I'll be right with you."
The man turned around, and Dink gasped. It wasn't a man at all.It was Dot Calm wearing a wig and fake mustache!