CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 Dink went back to class and handed a note to Mrs. Eagle. Since school was almost out, Mr. Dillon had given him permission to leave early. Dink filled his book bag, then whispered what was going on to Josh and Ruth Rose. Dink's mother drove him and Sammi home to Woody Street. Sammi was quiet in the car. He kept turning around and looking out the rear window. "Ms. Klinker said she'd bring your luggage over in a little while," Dink's mother told Sammi. "Dink will help you

Dink went back to class and handed a note to Mrs. Eagle.Since school was almost out, Mr. Dillon had given him permission to leave early.
Dink filled his book bag, then whispered what was going on to Josh and Ruth Rose.
Dink's mother drove him and Sammi home to Woody Street.Sammi was quiet in the car. He kept turning around and looking out the rear window.
"Ms. Klinker said she'd bring your luggage over in a little while," Dink's mother told Sammi."Dink will help you get settled; then I'll make you both a snack."
"Thank you very much, Mrs. Duncan," Sammi said as Dink's mom pulled into the driveway on Woody Street.
Dink climbed out of the car with his book bag clunking against his shoulders.
"Your room is next to mine," he told Sammi, leading the way upstairs.
Dink took Sammi into the guest room. There was a bed, a dresser, and a braided rug on the floor.A reading lamp stood on the table next to the bed.
Sammi looked at the room quietly. "This is very nice," he said.
"Come on, I'll show you my room," Dink said.He and Sammi passed through the bathroom. On the other side was Dink's bedroom.
As soon as Dink stepped into his room, Loretta began squeaking and running around in her cage.
"What is that?" Sammi shouted, hiding behind Dink.
"Just my guinea pig," Dink said. "Loretta's real friendly. You want to hold her?"
"I am allergic to fur!" Sammi said, peering into the cage."Don't let it out!" "Okay, I won't," Dink said.
"Dink!" his mother called from downstairs. "Are you and Sammi ready for a snack?"
"Are you hungry?" Dink asked Sammi.
Sammi wrinkled his nose. "What are we having?"
Dink pretended to think, then said, "Just the usual - rats' ears on crackers."
Sammi stared at Dink. "You are joking?"
"Yeah, I'm joking," Dink said. "Come on downstairs."
Dink's mother put a plate of peanut butter cookies and a quart of milk on the counter.Sammi inspected the cookies, then selected one.
"You're not allergic to cookies, are you?" Dink asked. Sammi shook his head and took a small bite.