CHAPTER 2 He's alive!
CHAPTER 2 He's alive! CHAPTER 2 He's alive! Crown Street was gone. Most of the houses had been flattened altogether. Those left standing were badly damaged. Boards covered missing windows and doors, and broken furniture was stacked on the pavement. Crazy heaps of brick and plaster stood where houses had once been. The boys wandered along in amazement. Household things lay everywhere. Harry picked up an old umbrella. There was a broken cup, a wooden spoon, someone's old tin bowl, and a sc
CHAPTER 2 He's alive!

CHAPTER 2 He's alive!

Crown Street was gone. Most of the houses had been flattened altogether.
Those left standing were badly damaged.Boards covered missing windows and doors, and broken furniture was stacked on the pavement.Crazy heaps of brick and plaster stood where houses had once been.
The boys wandered along in amazement.
Household things lay everywhere. Harry picked up an old umbrella.
There was a broken cup, a wooden spoon, someone's old tin bowl, and a scorched photo of a baby - all scattered about.
'Look at this,' said Harry as he picked up the photo.'Isn't everything sad here?' 'Yes,' agreed Jack, bleakly.
There was a battered tea caddy lying on the pavement,and he began kicking it along to try and cheer himself up.
Suddenly, Harry grabbed his arm. 'What's that?' he said sharply.
'What's what?' 'Listen.' There was silence.
'Aw, come on, Harry, it's getting dark. Mum'll be worried.'
'Quiet!' said Harry. There it is again.'
A muffled moan came from somewhere nearby,and as the boys listened there came another moan, followed by a faint scratching noise.
'It's over there,' shouted Harry, pointing to a pile of rubble, 'where number ten used to be.It's odd,' he continued, as they hurried towards the sound, 'because the old lady in this house got killed.I heard Mum telling Grandad. Everyone thought it was shocking.'
They both scrambled about in the rubble.
'She did have a dog,' said Jack, suddenly.'I bet that's it! I bet everyone thought that the dog was dead as well!'
'You're right - she did have a dog - a big shaggy one,' said Harry, excitedly. 'Here boy! Good dog! Good dog!'
An answering whine seemed to come from under the ground, followed by frantic scratching.
'Must be in the old cellar,' cried Harry. 'Quick! Let's clear away all this mess.'
As they started to pull away some planks of splintered wood, there came a muffled growl.
'He's under here all right,' said Jack, yanking and pulling for all he was worth.
A heavy door was wedged in the ground.They both heaved at it, gasping and straining until the door came away in a cloud of dust and stones.The boys reeled back, coughing and spluttering.
Then, when the dust had cleared, they peered down the hole.
'Can't see a thing,' said Harry. He shone his pocket torch down inside.'Yes! There he is! Right at the bottom of the steps. I think he's trapped. The wail must have fallen in on top of him.'
The dog growled softly, and two big brown eyes, full of hope, looked up at the boys.
'Poor dog,' said Jack. 'We've got to get him out, Harry.He must have been down there for three days - ever since the bombs dropped.'
'We'll get him out,' replied Harry. 'Grab hold of my legs.'