Chapter 2 Hinky Pinky
Chapter 2 Hinky Pinky Chapter 2 Hinky Pinky On the way to the restaurant, I thought back about my days on the force -our days - the Punisher and I were rookies together on the grammar patrol. We worked the streets, cleaning up people's speech and fixing their spelling errors. Yeah, it was a tough job, but someone had to do it. Imagine a world where people put i before e even after c - there would be chaos! The Punisher, then known as Webster White, got mad when people told him to buzz off for c
Chapter 2 Hinky Pinky

Chapter 2 Hinky Pinky

On the way to the restaurant, I thought back about my days on the force-our days - the Punisher and I were rookies together on the grammar patrol.We worked the streets, cleaning up people's speech and fixing their spelling errors.Yeah, it was a tough job, but someone had to do it.Imagine a world where people put i before e even after c - there would be chaos!
The Punisher, then known as Webster White, got mad when people told him to buzz off for correcting their syntax.He thought they should thank him and invite him over for a game of Scrabble,but you can't go into this line of work looking to make friends, you know what I mean?Webster took it personally and wanted revenge.Since he felt unappreciated, he left the force to do the job on his own, his own way,even if it was against the rules of grammar.