Chapter 2 I'm Really Sorry
Chapter 2 I'm Really Sorry Chapter 2 I'm Really Sorry "This is good," Ethan's mom said to him the next morning as he practiced his presentation. "I've finally memorized it," Ethan replied, gathering his papers. "You can return your library book after school." Then his mom's expression changed to shock as she caught sight of the due date. "This book is incredibly overdue! You'll have a hefty fine to pay." Ethan swallowed and said, "Sorry, Mom, it kind of went missing in the closet." She s
Chapter 2 I'm Really Sorry

Chapter 2 I'm Really Sorry
"This is good," Ethan's mom said to him the next morning as he practiced his presentation.
"I've finally memorized it," Ethan replied, gathering his papers.
"You can return your library book after school."Then his mom's expression changed to shock as she caught sight of the due date."This book is incredibly overdue! You'll have a hefty fine to pay."
Ethan swallowed and said, "Sorry, Mom, it kind of went missing in the closet."
She said, "Ethan, you can't keep making these excuses!You need to take responsibility for organizing your room."
When he arrived at school, Ethan caught up with his friends, Blake and Luis."Did you remember your part of our science project?" Blake asked.
"I thought that wasn't due until next week," Ethan replied.
"No, it's due today," said Blake.
Luis sighed and said, "We're in trouble. Mr. Wong doesn't accept late projects."