Chapter 3 A Talking Baby
Chapter 3 A Talking Baby Chapter 3 A Talking Baby The terrified fisherman hurried home. "Pack, wife, pack! We must flee the city." She asked her husband if the spindle had made a beautiful carpet. He assured her that it had, but he was given a new, even more impossible task to perform. He was to bring the Sultan a baby boy who was no more than eight days old and who must be able to tell the Sultan a tale of lies. "Don't worry," said his wife. "We will find a way." But the fisherman did worry
Chapter 3 A Talking Baby

Chapter 3 A Talking Baby

The terrified fisherman hurried home. "Pack, wife, pack! We must flee the city."She asked her husband if the spindle had made a beautiful carpet.He assured her that it had, but he was given a new, even more impossible task to perform.He was to bring the Sultan a baby boy who was no more than eight days oldand who must be able to tell the Sultan a tale of lies.
"Don't worry," said his wife. "We will find a way."