Chapter 2 New Friends
Chapter 2 New Friends Chapter 2 New Friends As the sheep and the pig walked toward the woods, they met Goose. "Hello, Sheep. Hello, Pig. Where are you two headed in such a hurry?" said the goose. "Well, Goose, we just learned the truth about why we were so well fed at home," said the pig. "They offered banquets for bacon…" "…and snacks for rack of lamb," said the sheep. "So we have decided to set up house together." "I have always wanted a home of my own," said the goose, "and it might be f
Chapter 2 New Friends

Chapter 2 New Friends

As the sheep and the pig walked toward the woods, they met Goose.
"Hello, Sheep. Hello, Pig. Where are you two headed in such a hurry?" said the goose.
"Well, Goose, we just learned the truth about why we were so well fed at home," said the pig."They offered banquets for bacon…" "…and snacks for rack of lamb," said the sheep."So we have decided to set up house together."
"I have always wanted a home of my own," said the goose, "and it might be fun to set up house with friends.Surely three will do as well as two. May I join you?"