Chapter 2 Race or Rest?
Chapter 2 Race or Rest? Chapter 2 Race or Rest? The next day, Rusty and Zippy were ready at their workbenches. The robot boss stood back and started the race by counting, "Three, two, one, GO!" Zippy was on top of things immediately because his batteries powered him to maximum speed in two milliseconds. At the beginning, he made one gadget every three minutes. He improved his time with every gadget that he made and soon he was making one gadget every minute. He ached all over, but he kept on r
Chapter 2 Race or Rest?

Chapter 2 Race or Rest?

The next day, Rusty and Zippy were ready at their workbenches.The robot boss stood back and started the race by counting, "Three, two, one, GO!"
Zippy was on top of things immediatelybecause his batteries powered him to maximum speed in two milliseconds.At the beginning, he made one gadget every three minutes.He improved his time with every gadget that he made and soon he was making one gadget every minute.He ached all over, but he kept on racing.