Chapter 2 Sweet Dreams
Chapter 2 Sweet Dreams Chapter 2 Sweet Dreams One Saturday afternoon, the twins were sitting in the kitchen. They had big pile of competitions in front of them. At that moment, they were puzzling over a competition to win a shiny red sports car. (The twins couldn't drive, but they thought it would be fun to learn.) Their mum came over to the table and dropped two Wibble's chocolate bars in front of them. "There we are," she said. "To help you think." "Thanks, Mum!" cried the twins. Both of t
Chapter 2 Sweet Dreams

Chapter 2 Sweet Dreams

One Saturday afternoon, the twins were sitting in the kitchen.They had big pile of competitions in front of them.At that moment, they were puzzling over a competition to win a shiny red sports car.(The twins couldn't drive, but they thought it would be fun to learn.)

Their mum came over to the table and dropped two Wibble's chocolate bars in front of them."There we are," she said. "To help you think."
"Thanks, Mum!" cried the twins. Both of them grabbed the chocolate bars at the same time.They started to tear them open.
Luckily, Ben spotted something before it was too late.
"Wait!" he said. "There's some writing on this wrapper. It's a competition!"
Clare looked and saw he was right. In big red letters on the wrapper, it said:
Win your weight in chocolate! See inside.
The twins stared at each other, speechless with excitement.This was the competition of their dreams.
Both of them were mad about chocolate.If they had their way, they would have had chocolate for breakfast, lunch and supper.Who needed a sports car? This was a competition they had to enter.Each of them tried to imagine their own weight in chocolate.One thing was for sure. It would be a lot.