Chapter 2 The New Boy
Chapter 2 The New Boy Chapter 2 The New Boy At Aidan's school the next day, everyone was talking about Lowgate. Tall Terry, who was brainy, said that the police had searched the Directors'Box looking for a remote control device. Bossy Billie said Lowgate would be kicked out of the league. Then, nosy Nina said, "Who's that?"and everyone looked at a new boy in the corner. He was skinny, with shiny black hair, blue eyes, and a very new school uniform. Aidan went to talk to him because nobody e
Chapter 2 The New Boy

Chapter 2 The New Boy

At Aidan's school the next day, everyone was talking about Lowgate.
Tall Terry, who was brainy, said that the police had searched the Directors'Box looking for a remote control device.Bossy Billie said Lowgate would be kicked out of the league.
Then, nosy Nina said, "Who's that?"and everyone looked at a new boy in the corner.
He was skinny, with shiny black hair, blue eyes, and a very new school uniform.Aidan went to talk to him because nobody else did.
"I'm Liam,"said the new boy. He had a friendly grin."We've just moved from the other side of town. What's it like here?"
They talked about teachers, and school dinners, and sport, and brothers and sisters, and Lowgate,because Liam supported them, too.
Soon they were such good friends that Aidan knew what he wanted to do with his match tickets.
"I've got tickets for Saturday,"he said. "Lowgate against Millworth. Want to come?""Cool!"said Liam.
On a Saturday so cold that icicles hung from the Jam Street gates, Aidan and Liam stood in the queue.They stamped their feet on the frosty ground.Liam's ears were bright pink with cold.
"Look out,"Aidan said to Liam. "There's Wendy.""Who?"asked Liam.
"Washing Wendy,"whispered Aidan. "She's Mum's friend. She's in charge of the laundry here."