Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Chapter 3 They would have lived like this forever if Aladdin had not been on the street when he heard the town crier shouting, "Back to your houses, all! Shutter your windows! Princess Buddir will go to the bath!" No one was allowed to see the Sultan's daughter without her veil. Aladdin hid himself behind the wall of the bathhouse, eager to see the princess's face. When she came by with her servants, Aladdin was so struck by her beauty, he vowed he would marry her. "Have you lost your
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
They would have lived like this forever if Aladdin had not been on the street when he heard the town crier shouting,"Back to your houses, all! Shutter your windows! Princess Buddir will go to the bath!"No one was allowed to see the Sultan's daughter without her veil.Aladdin hid himself behind the wall of the bathhouse, eager to see the princess's face.When she came by with her servants, Aladdin was so struck by her beauty, he vowed he would marry her.
"Have you lost your senses?" cried his mother when he told her his plans.
"Only my heart," Aladdin replied."Take this silver tray from our meal and load it with fruit from the cavern.Wrap it carefully in rags and take it to the Sultan to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage."
Though she grumbled that a tailor's wife would never be allowed to see the Sultan,Aladdin's mother piled the tray with gleaming jewels and wrapped it in rags.The Sultan's guards would have thrown her out, but the Sultan was curious as to what was hidden inside the bundle.He ordered Aladdin's mother into his hall.