Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Chapter 3 As the class entered the Opera House, Mrs. Periwinkle gave their tickets to the man at the counter. He made a call on his tiny black walkie-talkie, and soon a tall, skinny man appeared. Max was his name, and he had rosy cheeks and an enormous smile that made it almost impossible for anyone not to like him. With an exuberant wave, he led the class to an expansive space where a variety of strangely dressed people were milling around. The tour guide told the students that these
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
As the class entered the Opera House, Mrs. Periwinkle gave their tickets to the man at the counter.He made a call on his tiny black walkie-talkie, and soon a tall, skinny man appeared.Max was his name, and he had rosy cheeks and an enormous smile that made it almost impossible for anyone not to like him.With an exuberant wave, he led the class to an expansive spacewhere a variety of strangely dressed people were milling around.