Chapter 3 Fishing in the Family
Chapter 3 Fishing in the Family Chapter 3 Fishing in the Family "Great-Granddad wanted my father to make lures, just like he did," Cristina's father said. "But your granddad ended up painting fish instead. He hoped I'd be a painter like him, but I became a marine ecologist." "That doesn't explain how you came to like fishing," Cristina said, laughing. "I was in college," her father said. "I was learning about seabirds and how they kept getting caught on the long lines used for fishing tuna."
Chapter 3 Fishing in the Family

Chapter 3 Fishing in the Family

"Great-Granddad wanted my father to make lures, just like he did," Cristina's father said."But your granddad ended up painting fish instead.He hoped I'd be a painter like him, but I became a marine ecologist."
"That doesn't explain how you came to like fishing," Cristina said, laughing.
"I was in college," her father said."I was learning about seabirds and how they kept getting caught on the long lines used for fishing tuna."
Cristina suddenly had an idea. She picked up her line again.
"The seabirds liked to dive down for the squid bait on the tuna hooks.However they would grab the hooks as well as the bait.Then they'd get caught on the hooks and dragged along behind the boat until they drowned."