Chapter 3 - Hunting for treasure
Chapter 3 - Hunting for treasure Chapter 3 - Hunting for treasure Just in the nick of time, Nasty Nate and the captain reached the boat. They rowed to the island and walked up the sandy beach. Captain Patch pulled a piece of soggy paper from his left boot. He gave it to Nate. "That there's the real map," Captain Patch said. "The only thing is, it's not a drawing ... it's words. Blast the barnacles off my behind if I don't know how to read. That's why I needed a smart boy like you in my crew."
Chapter 3 - Hunting for treasure

Chapter 3 - Hunting for treasure

Just in the nick of time, Nasty Nate and the captain reached the boat.They rowed to the island and walked up the sandy beach.
Captain Patch pulled a piece of soggy paper from his left boot. He gave it to Nate.
"That there's the real map," Captain Patch said. "The only thing is, it's not a drawing ... it's words.Blast the barnacles off my behind if I don't know how to read.That's why I needed a smart boy like you in my crew."
Nate looked at the map and read the clues aloud:
Up on the hill, by the old parrot's nest.Take ten paces south and four paces west.
Stop, take your shovel, and dig, dig, dig!Then, if you like, you can dance a silly jig!
"I'm sorry, Captain Patch," said Nate. "The clues don't mean a thing to me."
The captain threw his arms in the air. "Arr-har, Nate me lad.The old parrot's nest is up there, in that tree at the centre of the island.That must be where the treasure is buried!"