The First Rainbow: A Zapotec Myth
The First Rainbow: A Zapotec Myth The First Rainbow: A Zapotec Myth Chapter 1 The Four Baskets A long time ago, Lightning, who was ten feet tall, sat on his throne high above Earth. At his feet were four baskets. On his left, two baskets held Rain and Clouds, and on his right, two baskets held Thunder and Wind. When he felt like it, Lightning would let out the Elements, and he would dance across the sky with them. Sparkle, Shine, and Twinkle, Lightning's children, loved to watch their father op
The First Rainbow: A Zapotec Myth

The First Rainbow: A Zapotec Myth

Chapter 1 The Four Baskets

A long time ago, Lightning, who was ten feet tall, sat on his throne high above Earth.At his feet were four baskets.On his left, two baskets held Rain and Clouds, and on his right, two baskets held Thunder and Wind.When he felt like it, Lightning would let out the Elements, and he would dance across the sky with them.Sparkle, Shine, and Twinkle, Lightning's children, loved to watch their father open the four baskets and dance.

One day Sparkle, Shine, and Twinkle came to Lightning's throne and begged him to open the four baskets.
"Father, we want to watch you dance with Wind, Rain, Clouds, and Thunder!" they exclaimed. "It's so exciting!"
"Oh children, I am too tired to dance with the Elements right now," Lightning told them.
"Then can we open the four baskets and dance?" Sparkle asked.
Lightning laughed and said, "I am in charge of the four Elements, and no one else is allowed to let them out of their baskets."
The children stayed behind when Lightning and his wife left the room.(The children's parents went to take an afternoon nap.)Unhappy that their father did not want to dance, the children complained to each other for awhile.
"We could open the baskets ourselves," Sparkle slyly suggested.
"Father would never know because he is sleeping," Twinkle said.
"And I'm sure that we can put back Rain, Clouds, Thunder, and Wind by ourselves when we are finished," Shine added.
Carefully Sparkle opened the first basket, and Clouds spread across the sky.
"Now it's my turn," said Shine, who opened the basket that held Rain.
Twinkle checked on their father, Lightning, to be sure that he was still sleeping.Then Twinkle opened the third basket, and Thunder came out with a BANG.
Sparkle, Shine, and Twinkle were very happy because Rain, Clouds, and Thunder had become a giant storm that filled the sky.The children didn't think about Lightning's warning not to open the baskets.They danced around the room and were so excited that they forgot about the fourth basket that held Wind.
Chapter 2 A Horrible Storm
As Lightning's children danced, the storm grew stronger and stronger.Rain fell faster. Clouds became darker, and Thunder became louder.
"We must tell the Elements to come back here right away," said Twinkle, who was scared by the loud sounds of Thunder.
But Sparkle and Shine went on dancing until the clouds got so thick that Lightning's children could not see each other.
Finally Sparkle, Shine, and Twinkle said aloud, "go back to your baskets now!"
Whenever Lightning shouted those words, the Elements would go back, but they did not listen to Lightning's children.
As the storm grew stronger and stronger, Sparkle, Shine, and Twinkle became more and more afraidto tell Lightning about the terrible thing that they had done.