Chapter 3 - Loose connections
Chapter 3 - Loose connections Chapter 3 - Loose connections Seconds later, the children turned the dials on their special watches and were soon micro-sized. Max scouted round to find a way to get inside the display. "Quick, over here," he said. Off to one side of the floor-to-ceiling glass panel was a thick, heavy curtain. The micro-friends crept under the curtain and found themselves inside the control room for Journey to Mars. It was full of high-tech computer equipment and tiny electroni
Chapter 3 - Loose connections

Chapter 3 - Loose connections

Seconds later, the children turned the dials on their special watches and were soon micro-sized.
Max scouted round to find a way to get inside the display."Quick, over here," he said.
Off to one side of the floor-to-ceiling glass panel was a thick, heavy curtain.
The micro-friends crept under the curtain and found themselves inside the control room for Journey to Mars.It was full of high-tech computer equipment and tiny electronic circuit boards.Wires, threaded round pulleys, stretched into the exhibition.