Chapter 3 The Cookie Sale
Chapter 3 The Cookie Sale Chapter 3 The Cookie Sale At lunchtime the next day, Maggie gathered her friends around her and announced, "I've got an idea about how we can help the team." Her friends looked at her expectantly while Maggie paused for dramatic effect. Then she said, "We could raise money to buy the team new uniforms." "That would be great, because those shabby old uniforms are really awful," Sharon said. "But how will we raise the money?" Maggie extracted her notebook and a pencil
Chapter 3 The Cookie Sale

Chapter 3 The Cookie Sale
At lunchtime the next day, Maggie gathered her friends around her and announced,"I've got an idea about how we can help the team."Her friends looked at her expectantly while Maggie paused for dramatic effect.Then she said, "We could raise money to buy the team new uniforms."
"That would be great, because those shabby old uniforms are really awful," Sharon said."But how will we raise the money?"
Maggie extracted her notebook and a pencil from her backpack."Well, I thought we could sell cookies," she suggested."We'll need some money to start with to buy the ingredients.Maybe we could all chip in ten dollars.Cookies always sell, so we'll get our money back, and I'm sure my mom would help us with a budget."
"I really like the idea, and I'm sure my dad will let us sell them outside the mall," Amy enthused."After all, he is the manager, and they have community fund-raisers there all the time."
Sharon closed her eyes and said, smiling, "I love baking cookies … and eating them."
Maggie continued briskly, "I bet the school will lend us some folding tables,but we'll need someone with a vehicle to pick them up and return them."
"It'll be hard work," Sharon cautioned.
"Yeah, hard, but yummy and fun," said Amy, licking her lips.